All of this is my dad’s fault. He wasn’t only French, loved red wine and strong cigarettes, but he also loved photography. He had been taking pictures all his life and made sure that he would pass on his passion to me very early on in my life. I was only 8 when he gave me my first camera and I haven’t stopped taking photographs ever since.

Photography was all around me when I was growing up, with my dad spending most of his spare time following his passion. When I think back, I picture my dad with all his gear spread out all over our living room, cutting, framing and sorting slides on his lightbox, or him with his camera bag over his shoulder disappearing into the distance on one of our family outings while pursuing a particular photograph.
Photography was a hobby for me. I was always taking photographs. Even as a youngster. On a holiday, a family outing or later even at parties. People didn’t carry cameras then. I didn’t even think about it. I always wanted to capture everything and everyone around me.
My holiday budget always included the cost of lots of rolls of film and the packs of prints that would follow. After returning home from a trip, I would spend the weekends that followed sorting prints and making albums. Those were awesome times.
I never undertook a formal education in photography. Just like my dad, I did not pursue it as a career either. Life and countless photographs taught me about photography and it wasn’t until well into my career in tourism, that I realised that I actually wanted to make photography the centre of my working life as well.

In 2006 I became a full-time photographer focusing mostly on industrial and corporate events. I still work in these genres today, but I now also include portraiture.
One of the challenges of becoming a busy professional photographer was that I had less time to pursue my passion for myself. And in addition, the cameras I was using also became bigger and more difficult to carry around with with me for everyday use.
My biggest fear when going pro had always been that I would get lost in work and forget that the reason I took photographs was that I loved taking photographs. In 2013 I realised that I wasn’t taking enough pictures for myself anymore. So I got myself my first Fujifilm camera, an x100s. It was the best thing I ever did for myself and my personal photography.
I finally had a small camera again which I carried with me everywhere I went and I had come full circle to where it all began – an awesome everyday camera that I had with me everyday. What started out as a wonderful rediscovery, soon had a huge impact on my photography and my life.
Along with my husband and some close friends, each of us owners of an x100series camera, we started a blog called x-Frame and posted a photo a week taken exclusively on an x100/s/t/f camera. After posting my 100th photograph I printed a photo-book containing my first 100 x-Frame images representing over 2 years of my everyday life. Paging through it is such a powerful reminder of what a difference a photograph can make.
I haven’t stop posting to x-Frame. I am now in my 5th year and still posting one photograph a week, every week. It doesn’t seem like much, but it is still a challenge. Oftentimes, a week seems to pass overnight. Regardless, I challenge myself to keep on posting. It is a constant reminder that no matter what happens in my working life, I must not neglect my passion – to take photographs for myself.
Having made such a strong 3-year connection with the Fujifilm system in my personal photography, I decided to switch to Fujifilm for my professional work in 2016.
In October 2017 I was appointed as an official Fujifilm X-Photographer.
I am a co-founder of the FujiLounge, a growing community hosted by FUJIFILM users and that is open to all photographers. It is based on social gatherings and events for amateurs and professionals to learn, share and network around photographic topics.
In partnership with Fujifilm South Africa, I host a Holiday Club for Teens that introduces learners and young adults to photography and I teaching one-on-one sessions to new users in photography and the Fujifilm system.
My current personal project is focussed on a fine art series based on using slow shutter speeds to create visually interesting pieces that are rich in colour and movement. I plan to exhibit this collection in 2019.
Instagram: @nathalieboucry