Fujifilm South AfricaNathalie BoucryX-T5Reala Ace for my X-T5, and how Film Simulations became a thingSeptember 4, 2024September 4, 2024By Nathalie Boucry, Fujifilm ambassador At the end of June, Fujifilm released firmware 4.0 for the X-T5. This firmware update...
1.4x ConverterDeon HarrisFujifilm South AfricaX-CommunityX-H2SX-S20XF10-24mm F4XF150-600mm F5.6-8XF23mm F1.4 RXF56mm F1.2TAKE TEN: Deon HarrisAugust 23, 2024October 28, 2024Looking at Deon Harris’s work, it’s clear that he loves photography, capturing life through a number of genres. We asked...
Fujifilm South AfricaShamiel AlbertynX-CommunityX-H1X-H2SX-UserXF50-140mm F2.8TAKE TEN: Shamiel AlbertynAugust 21, 2024August 26, 2024Hailing from Cape Town, Shamiel Albertyn made the move effortlessly from photography to videography, travelling across the world for shoots....
AJ JardienFujifilm South AfricaFujinon 55mm f1.8Fujinon 55mm f2.2GFXTake TenX-10X-CommunityX-Pro 3X-UserXF35mm F1.4TAKE TEN: AJ JardienAugust 5, 2024August 8, 2024Cape Town-based AJ Jardien is a lover of film, film cameras, film simulations and, of course, Fujifilm. For this Take...
Fujifilm South AfricaTake TenX-CommunityX-T1X-T3X-T5X-UserXF18-135mm F3.5-5.6XF70-300mm F4-5.6XF80mm F2.8TAKE TEN: Cathy BirkettJuly 19, 2024July 19, 2024Sometimes you just need to stop and smell the roses, then grab your macro lens and snap the insect you...
Fujifilm South AfricaSolly LeviTake TenX-CommunityX-T1X-T5X-UserXF16-80mm F4XF70-300mm F4-5.6TAKE TEN: Solly LeviJune 26, 2024June 26, 2024Solly Levi is a photographer of few words, rather allowing his dreamlike landscape and wildlife photographs to do the talking...
Fujifilm South AfricaMiriek Jansen van RensburgTake TenX-CommunityX-T30X-UserXF23mm F1.4 RTAKE TEN: Miriek Jansen van RensburgJune 25, 2024Moving her wedding photography business from Pretoria to Cape Town was a daunting prospect, but through an abundance mindset Miriek...
Fujifilm South AfricaTake TenX-CommunityX-E2X-UserX100FX100ViTAKE TEN: Paris BrummerMay 31, 2024Ever wondered what makes for a great architectural photo? Cape Town-based photographer, Paris Brummer, shares her thoughts and takes us...
Fujifilm South AfricaSJ van ZylTake TenX-CommunityX-UserX100VXF35mm F1.4XF56mm F1.2TAKE TEN: SJ van ZylMay 20, 2024May 20, 2024Portrait and fashion photographer, SJ van Zyl, is doing some incredible work using his Fujifilm X-T30 II and X100V. We...
Jon KerrinX-H2X-H2SX-T3X-T5X-UserXF100-400mm F4.5-5.6XF150-600mm F5.6-8Fujinon XF150-600mmF5.6-8: Lens review by Jon KerrinMay 2, 2024May 2, 2024By Jon KerrinNature photographer and Fujifilm ambassador, Jon Kerrin, has now had sufficient time shooting with the XF150-600mmF5.6-8 to form...