

X-Photographer – Markus Worsdorfer – Hands On Review – FujiFilm X70

<p>What makes it different is its very compact size. Pretty much exactly the same size as my wife's XF-1, which is remarkable for a camera with an APS-C sensor, and the addition of a touch sensitive 180 degree folding selfie screen. A first for Fujifilm. </p>

X-Pro2 review by Neill Soden

<p>All in all, it really is a wonderful camera. </p><p>For me, if I could have the processor, viewfinder and auto-focus and put it in my X-pro1, I would be so happy. The button placement is great and the joystick is really nice to have, and I would love to spend a bit more than 2 days with it. I guess the debate you have to have with yourself, is if the price tag is worth it. </p>

Fujinon 16mm 1.4

<p><span style="font-size:13px">I'm not sure what else to say about the lens. K</span><span style="font-size:13px">eeping in mind that I am no expert when it comes to wide angles, </span><span style="font-size:13px">I can't fault the lens.  If you've  been waiting on the edge of your seat for this lens, I doubt you'll be disappointed. I wish I could have gotten out to try some landscapes, but sadly I wasn't able to fit that in to an already packed weekend. You'll also notice that 99% of the images are shot in f/1.4, that depth.. <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">read more</a></span></p>
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