Anton Bosman

Anton BosmanX-CommunityX-PhotographerX-SeriesX-User

ANTON BOSMAN – The Fujifilm X-Pro3

<p class="">When we heard the rumours of the much anticipated Fujifilm X-Pro 3 it was no surprise that social media exploded with the regular scoffing, coughing and huffing.</p><p class="">“What were you thinking Fujifilm” “You have just lost a lifelong customer and fan” “Oh look, they are trying to look cool” …………. the list is almost endless.</p>
Anton BosmanX-CommunityX-PhotographerX-SeriesX-User

THOUGHTS ON THE FUJINON 16-80MM F/4 – Anton Bosman

<p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Here we are again, and I can already hear people say "another lens from a camera manufacturer”</p><p class="" style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Most manufacturers offer you an expensive “fast” lens, the more affordable mid paced high performance “slightly slower” lens, and then your budget option (which is normally a good entry level option in to the world of photography).</p>